General Information

Name of the Company : Alfa Ica (I) Limited
Scrip Code, class of security : 530973, Equity shares
Quarter ended : 30-9-2015
General information [Abstract]
Scrip code530973
Name of the companyAlfa Ica (I) Limited
Class of securityEquity shares
Type of reportQuarterly
Reason for additional fillingNo
Whether company has more than one class of shares or securities having voting rightsNo
Whether company is SMENo
Date of report30-9-2015

Disclosure of shareholding pattern

Name of the Company : Alfa Ica (I) Limited
Scrip Code, class of security : 530973, Equity shares
Quarter ended : 30-9-2015
Disclosure of notes on shareholding patternNotes
Partly paid-up shares
IDDescription partly paid-up sharesNumber of partly paid-up sharesAs a percentage of total number of partly paid-up sharesAs a percentage of total number of shares of the company
Shares held by promoter or promoter group
Total Shares held by promoter or promoter group
Shares held by public
Total Shares held by public
Outstanding convertible securities
IDDescription of outstanding convertible securitiesNumber of outstanding securitiesAs a percentage of total number of outstanding convertible securitiesAs a percentage of total number of shares of the company, assuming full conversion of the convertible securities
Shares held by promoter or promoter group
Total shares held by promoter or promoter group
Shares held by public
Total Shares held by public
IDDescription of warrantsNumber of warrantsAs a percentage of total number of warrantsAs a percentage of total number of shares of the company, assuming full conversion of warrants
Shares held by promoter or promoter group
Total Shares held by promoter or promoter group
Shares held by public
Total Shares held by public
Total paid-up capital of the company assuming full conversion of warrants and convertible securities4040000

Disclosure of fully paid-up shares

Name of the Company : Alfa Ica (I) Limited
Scrip Code, class of security : 530973, Equity shares
Quarter ended : 30-9-2015
Disclosure of notes on fully paid-up sharesNotes
Category code Total Shareholding as a percentage of total number of sharesShares pledged or otherwise encumbered
Number of shareholders Total number of sharesNumber of shares held in dematerialised formAs a percentage of (A+B) As a percentage of (A+B+C)Number of sharesAs a percentage
(I)(II)(III)(IV)(V)(VI)(VII)(VIII)(IX)= (VIII)/(IV)*100
(A)Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group
(a)Individuals or Hindu undivided family199957699957624.7424.74
(b)Central government or State government(s)
(c)Bodies corporate
(d)Financial institutions or banks
(e)Any other (specify)Description of Shareholder
1Indian shareholders 1Trusts00000
2Indian shareholders 2Societies00000
3Indian shareholders 3Directors and their friends or relatives561116561116515.1315.13
Total Others561116561116515.1315.13
Sub Total (A) (1)61610741161074139.8739.87
(a)Non-resident individuals or foreign individuals 00000
(b)Bodies corporate00000
(c)Institutions 00000
(d)Qualified foreign investor
(e)Any other (specify)Description of Shareholder
Total Others
Sub-Total (A) (2)00000
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A) = (A)(1)+(A)(2)61610741161074139.8739.87
(B)Public Shareholding
(a)Mutual funds or UTI00000
(b)Financial institutions or banks2210000.050.05
(c)Central government or State government(s)00000
(d)Venture capital funds00000
(e)Insurance companies00000
(f)Foreign institutional investors00000
(g)Foreign venture capital investors
(h)Qualified foreign investor
(k)Any other (specify)Description of Shareholder
Total Others
Sub Total (B) (1)2210000.050.05
(a)Bodies corporate2440731940731910.0810.08
iIndividual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs one lakh5676103114325652325.5225.52
iiIndividual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs one lakh1097401597401524.1124.11
(c)Qualified foreign investor
(d)Any other (specify)Description of Shareholder
1Non-Institutions Shareholders 1Trusts00000
2Non-Institutions Shareholders 2Societies00000
3Non-Institutions Shareholders 3HUF2214343143430.360.36
4Non-Institutions Shareholders 4NRI43393390.010.01
5Non-Institutions Shareholders 5Other00000
6Non-Institutions Shareholders 6Overseas corporate bodies00000
Total Others2614682146820.360.36
Sub-total (B) (2)57362427159165253960.0860.08
Total Public Shareholding (B) = (B)(1)+(B)(2)57382429259165253960.1360.13
TOTAL (A)+(B)574440400003263280100100
(C)Shares held by custodians and against which depository receipts have been issued
(1)Promoter and promoter group
Total Shares held by Custodians (C)
GRAND TOTAL (A)+(B)+(C)574440400003263280100

(I) (b) Statement showing holding of securities (including shares,warrants,convertible securities) of persons belonging to the category Promoter and Promoter Group

Name of the Company : Alfa Ica (I) Limited
Scrip Code, class of security : 530973, Equity shares
Quarter ended : 30-9-2015
Disclosure of notes on securities belonging to the category "Promoter and Promoter Group"Notes
Sr. No.
Name of the shareholderPAN of PromoterNumber of the shares heldAs a percentage of grand total (A) + (B) + (C)Encumbered - number of sharesAs a percentageAs a percentage of grand total (A) + (B) + (C) of clause (I)(a)Number of warrants heldWarrants held as a percentage of total numbers of warrants of the same class Number of convertible securities heldConvertible securities as percentage of total numbers of convertible securities of same class Total shares (including underlying shares assuming full conversion of warrants and convertible securities) as a percentage of diluted share capital
(I) (II) (II) (a)(III)(IV)(V)(VI)=(V)/(III)*100(I)(a) (VII)(VIII)(IX)(X)(XI)(XII)
1Rajendra TikmaniN.A.99957624.7424.74
2Rajendra TikmaniN.A.2650656.566.56
3Rishi TikmaniN.A.2088005.175.17
4Vimladevi R. TikmaniN.A.580001.441.44
5Pooja TikmaniN.A.400000.990.99
6Savita GuptaN.A.393000.970.97

(I) (c) (i) Statement showing holding of securities (including shares,warrants,convertible securities) of persons belonging to the category Public and holding more than 1% of the total number of shares

Name of the Company : Alfa Ica (I) Limited
Scrip Code, class of security : 530973, Equity shares
Quarter ended : 30-9-2015
Disclosure of notes on holding of securities of persons belonging to the category "Public" and holding more than one percentage of the total number of sharesNotes
Sr. No.
Name of the shareholder PAN of ShareholderNumber of the shares held Shares as percentage of total number of shares {i.e, Grand Total (A) + (B) + (C) indicated in statement at para (I) (a) above}Number of warrants heldWarrants held as a percentage of total numbers of warrants of the same class Number of convertible securities heldConvertible securities as percentage of total numbers of convertible securities of same class Total shares (including underlying shares assuming full conversion of warrants and convertible securities) as a percentage of diluted share capital
(I) (II) (II) (a)(III)(IV)(V)(VI)(I)(a) (VII)(VIII)(IX)
1Haresh MehtaN.A.2524006.256.25
2Vasant RanaN.A.2300005.695.69
3Ankit Financial Services LtdN.A.2000004.954.95
4Indu BhandariN.A.2000004.954.95
5Karishma Finvest Pvt LtdN.A.1996004.944.94
6Parmeshwarlal JangidN.A.1000002.482.48
7Saroj Jugal MaheshwariN.A.515001.271.27
8Gunjan GuptaN.A.4050011

(I) (c) (ii) Statement showing holding of securities (including shares,warrants,convertible securities) of persons (together with PAC) belonging to the category Public and holding more than 5% of the total number of shares of the company

Name of the Company : Alfa Ica (I) Limited
Scrip Code, class of security : 530973, Equity shares
Quarter ended : 30-9-2015
Disclosure of notes on holding of securities of persons (together with PAC) belonging to the category "Public" and holding more than five percentage of the total number of shares of the companyNotes
Sr. No.
Name of the shareholderPAN of Shareholder Number of the shares heldShares as percentage of total number of shares {i.e, Grand Total (A) + (B) + (C) indicated in statement at para (I) (a) above} Number of warrants held Warrants held as a percentage of total numbers of warrants of the same class Number of convertible securities held Convertible securities as percentage of total numbers of convertible securities of same class Total shares (including underlying shares assuming full conversion of warrants and convertible securities) as a percentage of diluted share capital
(I) (II) (II) (a)(III)(IV)(V)(VI)(I)(a) (VII)(VIII)(IX)
1Haresh MehtaN.A.2524006.256.25
2Vasant RanaN.A.2300005.695.69